Dual Language Immersion Programs (January 2025)
Dual language immersion (DLI) programs provide content and language instruction in both English and a partner language, including Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, French, and many other languages.
Dual language immersion (DLI) programs provide content and language instruction in both English and a partner language, including Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, French, and many other languages.
Neoliberal ideology and an overemphasis on generating quick results dehumanizes higher education community engagement by overlooking the multiple roles and identities of boundary spanners, individuals engaged in community-based scholarship.
A goal under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is for all English learners (ELs) to become proficient in English and exit, or reclassify, out of EL status.
Nationally, there are 213,832 English learner (EL) students who identify as Black,1 making up 4% of all ELs in public schools. This community brings a wealth of diverse languages, countries of origin, and cultural identities to communities across all 50 U.S. states.
This fact sheet presents numbers and percentages of English learner students who spoke Arabic as a home language in school Year 2020–2021.
Collaboration between English as a Second Language (ESL) and content teachers to support multilingual students designated as English Learners is a growing but complex phenomenon in U.S. schools, and one that has continued to evolve during the pandemic and related disruptions to schooling.
This series of briefs brief explores the potential of four research-based policy levers to support access to core content courses for students classified as English Learners (ELs).
Thanks to rapid increases in the state's Hispanic and Asian populations, the number of Texas students classified as English Learners has surged in the past decade, from approximately 830,000 in 2010 to more than 1.1 million today. In the charter sector, change has been even more rapid.
This brief is part of the Landscape of Language Learners in California’s MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support). This brief highlights findings from a study focused on how California’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (CA MTSS) framework serves English- Learner (EL) classified students1.
This brief examines the notable trends and disparities in high school graduation rates between English-Learner classified students (ELs) and non-English-Learner classified students in California over the past five years.