Resource Library

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Supporting the Economic Integration of Adult Leaners with Emerging Literacy Skills

Published Year
Resource Type
Target Audience(s)
Educational Leaders
Educators of English Learners

Many immigrants, including those with emerging literacy skills, have real-world economic needs. This spotlight provides resources and considerations for how adult education programming can support immigrants’ broader economic integration.

A National Profile of Educational and Employment Barriers and Opportunities

Published Year
Resource Type
Originating Organization

This policy brief provides information related to the demographic characteristics, education enrollment, education attainment, and employment status of English learners (ELs) ages 14–21 as well as the services currently offered by the K–12 and adult education systems to these adolescent and young

50-State Comparison: English Learner Policies

Published Year
Resource Type
This interactive report by the Education Commission of the States provides a national comparison of states' English learner (EL) policies. The information used in this report was gathered through a review of state statutes and regulations.

The Patchy Landscape of State English Learner Policies under ESSA

Published Year
Resource Type
When the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law in 2015, it was seen as a significant step forward for English learners (ELs). ESSA increased accountability for ELs, including their progress towards English proficiency and their performance in academic subjects.