Resource Library

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Hands-On Reading Comprehension Strategies for all Learners

Published Year
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This brief article presents strategies gleaned from research and which the author has successfully used in teaching reading to English learners in middle school. Strategies to use during, pre- and post-reading are presented in a clear step-by-step manner.

CCSSO English Learners with Disabilities Guide.

Published Year
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Englis h Lea rners with Disa bili ties : A Need for Guida nce English learners with disabilities are a diverse group of students with unique educational needs. The proper identification of and service provision for this heterogeneous group is both complex and necessary for maintaining civil rights.

Nationwide Disparities in Support for Young ELLs

Published Year
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According to a new report from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), the support offered to young children who speak languages other than English at home varies widely from state to state, and community to community.

State Chiefs: We Won't Walk Away From Disadvantaged Groups Under ESSA

Published Year
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When the Every Student Succeeds Act passed in 2015, there was widespread worry that states would walk away from making sure that particular groups of studentsEnglish-language learners, students in special education, and racial minoritiesmattered in their school accountability systems.