Hispanic Heritage Month 2023: Outreach Toolkit

Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with OELA from September 15 – October 15. This month is a time to celebrate the rich and diverse cultures of the Hispanic community. Learn more about Hispanic multilingual learners (MLs) and ways to ensure their educational success through OELA’s resources below.  

Be sure to share the sample posts and graphics in your outreach efforts this month!

Social Media Handles & Hashtags    

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Social Media Graphics and Posts  


Fact Sheet: English Learners Who Speak Spanish as a Home Language

Graphics: ELs Who Speak Spanish_TwitterELs Who Speak Spanish_FacebookLinkedin

Newsletter: Start celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month by exploring English Learners Who Speak Spanish as a Home Language, a fact sheet from the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA). This fact sheet highlights the number of multilingual learners (MLs) who speak Spanish as a home language and the top 10 states with the highest number of MLs who speak Spanish. During school year 2017 – 2018, Spanish was the most common home language spoken by MLs and states reported that out of all ML students, 3,749,314, or 74.82%, spoke Spanish. Explore now:  https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/legacy/files/fast_facts/20200915-Del4-4%20SpanishELs-508.pdf 

Twitter: Start celebrating #HispanicHeritageMonth by exploring OELA’s fact sheet, #ELs Who Speak  #Spanish as a Home Language! Explore now: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/legacy/files/fast_facts/20200915-Del4-4%20SpanishELs-508.pdf @ASKNCELA1  

Facebook: Start celebrating #HispanicHeritageMonth by exploring OELA’s fact sheet, English Learners Who Speak Spanish as a Home Language, which highlights the number of multilingual learners (MLs) who speak Spanish as a home language and the top 10 states with the highest number of MLs who speak Spanish. Explore now:  https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/legacy/files/fast_facts/20200915-Del4-4%20SpanishELs-508.pdf 

LinkedIn: Start celebrating #HispanicHeritageMonth by exploring OELA’s fact sheet, English Learners Who Speak Spanish as a Home Language, which highlights the number of #multilinguallearners (MLs) who speak #Spanish as a home language and the top 10 states with the highest number of MLs who speak Spanish. Explore now: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/legacy/files/fast_facts/20200915-Del4-4%20SpanishELs-508.pdf 


Hispanic Heritage Month Authors Series: Celebrating Latino Experience, History, People, and Culture

Graphics: Watch HHM Authors Series _Twitter, Watch HHM Authors Series_FacebookLinkedIn

Newsletter: Representation matters! Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by watching this lively discussion with award-winning authors Guadalupe Garcia-McCall, David Bowles, and Lulu Delacre. The authors joined the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) and the White House Initiative on Advancing Education Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics to talk about their literary works highlighting the diversity of heroes and heroines within Latino communities and the importance of Hispanic representation in literature. Watch here: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2021-10-13-webinar-hispanic-heritage-month-authors-series-celebrating-latino-experience  

Twitter: Representation matters! Check out this discussion with @ASKNCELA1, @WhiteHouseHPI & accomplished authors @ggmccall, @DavidOBowles & @LuluDelacre on the importance of Hispanic representation in literature. Watch here: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2021-10-13-webinar-hispanic-heritage-month-authors-series-celebrating-latino-experience #HispanicHeritageMonth   

Facebook: Representation matters! Check out this lively discussion with award-winning authors Guadalupe Garcia-McCall, David Bowles, and Lulu Delacre who talk about their work highlighting the diversity of heroes and heroines within Latino communities and the importance of Hispanic representation in literature. Watch here: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2021-10-13-webinar-hispanic-heritage-month-authors-series-celebrating-latino-experience #HispanicHeritageMonth   

LinkedIn: Representation matters! Check out this lively discussion with award-winning authors Guadalupe Garcia-McCall, David Bowles, and Lulu Delacre who talk about their work highlighting the #diversity of heroes and heroines within #Latino communities and the importance of #Hispanic representation in #literature. Watch here: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2021-10-13-webinar-hispanic-heritage-month-authors-series-celebrating-latino-experience #HispanicHeritageMonth  


Webinar: Hispanic Language Heritage: Retention of Heritage Culture and Language(s)

Graphics: Retention of Heritage Culture and Language Webinar_Twitter, Retention of Heritage Culture and Language Webinar_FacebookLinkedIn   

Newsletter: The Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), in collaboration with GlobalMindED hosted this first episode of the Hispanic Language Heritage series to inspire linguistically and culturally diverse students to cherish, nurture, and revere their primary culture, heritage, and language so they can realize the short- and long-term personal, educational, and professional benefits of being multilingual. "Retention of Heritage Culture and Language(s)," was a discussion of the cognitive, economic, educational, and sociocultural benefits of multilingualism with expert panelists from a variety of fields and professions. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-17-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-retention-of-heritage-culture-and-languages 

Twitter: Check it out! A webinar from @ASKNCELA1 & @GlobalMindEDorg highlighted the cognitive, economic, educational, and sociocultural benefits of #multilingualism. Watch this first episode in the Hispanic Language Heritage series: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-17-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-retention-of-heritage-culture-and-languages #HispanicHeritageMonth   

Facebook: Check it out! OELA and GlobalMindED hosted a webinar on the cognitive, economic, educational, and sociocultural benefits of multilingualism with expert panelists from a variety of fields and professions. Watch this first webinar in the Hispanic Language Heritage series: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-17-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-retention-of-heritage-culture-and-languages #HispanicHeritageMonth   

LinkedIn: Check it out! #OELA & GlobalMindED hosted a webinar on the cognitive, economic, educational, and sociocultural benefits of #multilingualism with expert panelists from a variety of fields and professions. Watch this first webinar in the Hispanic Language Heritage series: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-17-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-retention-of-heritage-culture-and-languages #HispanicHeritageMonth  


Webinar: Hispanic Language Heritage: Language Assets for Career Preparedness

Graphics: Language Assets for Career Preparedness Webinar_Twitter, Language Assets for Career Preparedness Webinar_FacebookLinkedIn

Newsletter: Multilingualism opens career opportunities in the public and private sectors and can raise the occupational status and earning potential of individuals who are proficient in more than one language. Language skills can also serve as an important resource for learning and development of problem-solving competencies. In “Language Assets for Career Preparedness,” the second episode of the Hispanic Language Heritage series from the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), panelists discuss how multilingualism can shape career paths and how language skills have influenced their career trajectories. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-24-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-language-assets-for-career-preparedness  

Twitter: Discover how #multilingualism can shape #careerpaths and how language skills have influenced career trajectories in part two of #OELA’s Hispanic Language Heritage series with @GlobalMindEDorg. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-24-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-language-assets-for-career-preparedness #HispanicHeritageMonth @ASKNCELA1   

Facebook: Discover language assets for career preparedness! In this second installment of OELA and GlobalMindED’s Hispanic Language Heritage series, panelists discuss how multilingualism can shape career paths and share how language skills have influenced their career trajectories. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-24-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-language-assets-for-career-preparedness #HispanicHeritageMonth   

LinkedIn: Discover #languageassets for career preparedness! In this second installment of OELA and GlobalMindED’s Hispanic Language Heritage series, panelists discuss how #multilingualism can shape career paths and share how language skills have influenced their career trajectories. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-09-24-webinar-hispanic-language-heritage-language-assets-for-career-preparedness #HispanicHeritageMonth  

Webinar: Culturally Responsive School Practices to Promote the Success of Hispanic English Learners  

Graphics: Culturally Responsive School Practices Webinar_Twitter, Culturally Responsive School Practices Webinar_FacebookLinkedIn  

Newsletter: Multilingual learners (MLs) who speak Spanish as a home language make up nearly 75% of all MLs in public schools, which leads to the increased development and availability of Spanish language resources and scaffolds. However, the persistence of academic achievement disparities between Hispanic MLs and their ML peers requires us to examine curriculum and instruction practices for alignment with culturally responsive leading and learning. In this webinar, presenters from OELA and REL Pacific examine the factors that impact the social and emotional well-being of Hispanic MLs, identify research-based strategies to establish culturally responsive school environments, and discuss state, district, school, and classroom strategies for promoting the success of Hispanic MLs. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-10-08-webinar-culturally-responsive-school-practices-to-promote-the-success-of-hispanic 

Twitter: Culturally responsive school practices are not one-size-fits-all. Discover factors that impact the social & emotional well-being of #Hispanic #MLs & research-based strategies to establish  #culturallyresponsive school environments. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-10-08-webinar-culturally-responsive-school-practices-to-promote-the-success-of-hispanic

Facebook: Culturally responsive school practices are not one-size-fits-all. Presenters from OELA and REL Pacific examine the factors that impact the social and emotional well-being of Hispanic multilingual learners (MLs), identify research-based strategies to establish culturally responsive school environments, and discuss state, district, school, and classroom strategies for promoting the success of Hispanic MLs. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-10-08-webinar-culturally-responsive-school-practices-to-promote-the-success-of-hispanic #HispanicHeritageMonth   

LinkedIn: Culturally responsive school practices are not one-size-fits-all. Presenters from OELA and REL Pacific examine the factors that impact the social and emotional well-being of #Hispanic multilingual learners (MLs), identify research-based strategies to establish #culturallyresponsive school environments, and discuss state, district, school, and classroom strategies for promoting the success of #Hispanic #MLs. Watch now: https://ncela.ed.gov/events/2020-10-08-webinar-culturally-responsive-school-practices-to-promote-the-success-of-hispanic #HispanicHeritageMonth  


Hispanic Heritage Month Book Recommendations: Titles for Young Readers  

Graphics: Hispanic Heritage Month Book List_Twitter, Hispanic Heritage Month Book List_FacebookLinkedIn  

Newsletter: Looking for book recommendations by award-winning authors? Check out this resource featuring the works of Guadalupe Garcia-McCall, David Bowles, and Lulu Delacre. These authors were a part of the Hispanic Heritage Month Authors Series, which was hosted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) and the White House Initiative on Advancing Education Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics. They discussed their literary works and the importance of Hispanic representation in literature. The resource also includes suggestions for creating a diverse library of books for young readers and writers.  
To access the full list, visit https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2022-12/OELA2021HHMAuthorSeriesBookList_508.pdf 

Twitter: Discover award-winning authors like Guadalupe Garcia-McCall, David Bowles, and Lulu Delacre in the Hispanic Heritage Month Authors Series. Find diverse books for young readers and writers at: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2022-12/OELA2021HHMAuthorSeriesBookList_508.pdf  #HispanicHeritageMonth 

Facebook: Looking for book recommendations by award-winning authors? Check out this resource featuring the works of Guadalupe Garcia-McCall, David Bowles, and Lulu Delacre. These authors were part of the #HispanicHeritageMonth Authors Series, where they discussed their literary works and the importance of Hispanic representation in literature. The resource also includes suggestions for creating a diverse library of books for young readers and writers.  
To access the full list, visit https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2022-12/OELA2021HHMAuthorSeriesBookList_508.pdf 

LinkedIn: Looking for book recommendations by award-winning authors? Check out this resource featuring the works of Guadalupe Garcia-McCall, David Bowles, and Lulu Delacre. These authors were part of the #HispanicHeritageMonth Authors Series, where they discussed their literary works and the importance of Hispanic representation in literature. The resource also includes suggestions for creating a diverse library of books for young readers and writers.  
To access the full list, visit https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2022-12/OELA2021HHMAuthorSeriesBookList_508.pdf 

Brief: Practices to Increase Access to Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners 

Graphics: EL Civil Rights Brief_Twitter, EL Civil Rights Brief_FacebookLinkedIn

Newsletter: Check out OELA's latest resource, "English Learner Civil Rights Brief - Practices to Increase Access to Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners," which features practices that districts and schools may consider to increase access to advanced or specialized programs for EL students. Equal access to challenging or specialized courses and programs is essential, but barriers to enrollment in these opportunities often affect students who are ELs. The brief provides valuable resources to assist educators and administrators in addressing these challenges effectively. Explore now:  

- English: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA-PracticesToInc-062023-508.pdf 
- Spanish: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA_PracticesToInc_062123SPN.pdf 

Twitter: Check it out! Read OELA's #EnglishLearner Civil Rights brief on increasing #EL students' access to advanced and specialized programs. It's packed with valuable resources for districts and schools.  

📌 English: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA-PracticesToInc-062023-508.pdf 
📌 Spanish: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA_PracticesToInc_062123SPN.pdf 

Facebook: Check it out! Read OELA's English Learner Civil Rights brief on increasing #EnglishLearner students' access to advanced and specialized programs. It's packed with valuable resources for districts and schools.  

📌 English: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA-PracticesToInc-062023-508.pdf 
📌 Spanish: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA_PracticesToInc_062123SPN.pdf 

LinkedIn: Check it out! Read OELA's English Learner Civil Rights brief on increasing #EnglishLearner students' access to advanced and specialized programs. It's packed with valuable resources for districts and schools.  

📌 English: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA-PracticesToInc-062023-508.pdf 
📌 Spanish: https://ncela.ed.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/OELA_PracticesToInc_062123SPN.pdf 

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Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Multilingual Learners
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