Family Toolkit - Chapter 06 - Section 04 - English

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Tips for Families
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Tips for Families

  • Your help is important for your child’s school success. Have high expectations; ask your child about school; check your child’s homework and school progress; talk about academic and career goals with your child and the school; talk to the school about which courses your child needs to take to meet those goals.
  • You can also encourage a love of learning through your home language. Read with your child in your home language. Practice storytelling to develop language and critical-thinking skills.
  • State departments of education and school district websites have information about state tests. Schools may have an “assessment coordinator.” This is a staff member who will talk about state tests with parents.
  • Depending on the state’s rules, the school may send test results to parents. Parents may ask a teacher or counselor to explain test results and what the results mean for th
  • interpreter, if needed. In some districts or schools, school staff can give test results in your home language.
  • School calendars are often available from the school office. Calendars are often published on the school’s website. You can ask your school to translate calendars into your home language.
  • School attendance is important for your child. Poor attendance often leads to lower grades and slower progress.
  • Many schools have an online parent portal. Parent portals may have information about school rules, classroom goals, assignments, and student progress.
  • Schools help students make up for failed classes. Ask about summer school courses, online classes, and credit recovery programs.
  • State Department of Education websites, school websites, and guidance counselors should be able to provide you with information about graduation requirements in your state.