
English Learners In Secondary Schools: Trajectories, Transitions, And Promising Practices – Part 1 (August 2021)

In this podcast featuring Dr. Aída Walqui from WestEd, Dr. Ilana Umansky from the University of Oregon, and Dr. Karen Thompson from Oregon State University, the panelists address questions regarding the education of English learners (ELs) in secondary schools submitted during the English Learners…

Hispanic Language Heritage: Language Assets For Career Preparedness (January 2021)

Multilingualism opens career opportunities in the public and private sectors and can raise occupational status and earning potential of individuals who are proficient in more than one language. Language skills can also serve as an important resource for learning, and development of problem-solving…

EL Teacher Preparation: Zooming In On Maryland's Eastern Shore – Part 2 (September 2020)

Research on teacher preparation identifies the recruitment, preparation, induction, and retention of teachers as challenges in providing high-quality instruction for English learners (ELs). Compounding these challenges are the varied educational and geographical landscape that teachers of ELs work…

EL Teacher Preparation: Zooming In On Maryland's Eastern Shore – Part 1 (September 2020)

Research on teacher preparation identifies the recruitment, preparation, induction, and retention of teachers as challenges in providing high-quality instruction for English learners (ELs). Compounding these challenges are the varied educational and geographical landscape that teachers of ELs work…

Engaging English Learners And Families Through Distance Learning (June 2020)

Family and community engagement is an essential part of student success. With COVID-19 related school closures and the transition to distance learning, many schools are working to sustain engagement with English learner (EL) families and communities, and to ensure two-way communication to build…

Integrating Language While Teaching STEM: Science (March 2020)

  The NCELA Teaching Practice Brief Effective instructional practices, examples, and practice shifts for science and engineering teachers highlights promising practices related to science and engineering instruction for educators and other staff who support English learners (ELs)…

Supporting ELs With Interrupted Formal Education: Research And Practices From The Field – Part 2 (February 2020)

  An important topic in English learner (EL) education is how ELs who are students with interrupted formal education, or SIFE, often face many serious challenges when attending school in the United States. Their educators also often encounter difficulties in meeting SIFE's needs. Supporting…

Supporting ELs With Interrupted Formal Education: Research And Practices From The Field – Part 1 (February 2020)

  An important topic in English learner (EL) education is how ELs who are students with interrupted formal education, or SIFE, often face many serious challenges when attending school in the United States. Their educators also often encounter difficulties in meeting SIFE's needs. Supporting…

Dual Language Education: Historical U.S. Perspectives And Current Practices – Part 2 (January 2020)

For English learner students, dual language programs offer opportunities to lead with their cultural and linguistic assets, leverage and nurture their full linguistic knowledge and skills, and engage in rigorous academic content learning, all while developing English. As dual language programs…

Dual Language Education: Historical U.S. Perspectives And Current Practices – Part 1 (January 2020)

  For English learner students, dual language programs offer opportunities to lead with their cultural and linguistic assets, leverage and nurture their full linguistic knowledge and skills, and engage in rigorous academic content learning, all while developing English. As dual language…