Reopening Washington Schools 2020: Guidance for Supporting Multilingual/English LearnersThis guidance is designed as a companion resource to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction's (OSPI's) "Reopening Washington Schools 2020: District Planning Guide" (ED606044), issued June 2020. The goal of this companion document is to provide guidance, best practices, resources, and unique considerations for supporting multilingual/English learners, their families, and all educators throughout the school reopening process. This guidance is intended to provide districts with recommendations, strategies, and resources to meet civil rights obligations to provide each eligible English learner with an appropriate English language development instructional program and meaningful access to content instruction through the various reopening models. The information included in this document attempts to address the most frequently asked questions for providing English language development instruction and meaningful access to content instruction through the reopening process. This guidance document includes the following categories: (1) Supporting Multilingual/English Learners through a Continuum of Reopening Models; (2) Multilingual/English Learner Continuous Learning Implementation Guide; and (3) Multilingual/English Learner Continuous Learning Plan. Eight appendices present additional information and resources for supporting multilingual/English learners and their families.
Instructional Effectiveness
ESL Programs
English Learners
English Learners
Bilingual Students