Culturally Responsive School Practices to Promote the Success of Hispanic English Learners

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10/08/2020 - 4:00 PM EDT

Hispanic English learners (ELs) possess varied demographic and academic backgrounds which are not always evident when students are collectively viewed as a group. It is critical to increase educators' awareness of the diversity that exists among ELs who are Hispanic, and to identify and highlight the cultural and linguistic assets that students bring to their school and their community.

English learners (ELs) who speak Spanish as a home language make up nearly 75% of all ELs in public schools, which leads to the increased development and availability of Spanish language resources and scaffolds. However, the persistence of academic achievement disparities between Hispanic ELs and their EL peers requires us to examine curriculum and instruction practices for alignment with culturally responsive leading and learning.


  • Dr. Katie Gao, Managing Researcher at McREL International
  • Dr. Tameka Porter, Managing Consultant at McREL International
  • Delia Pompa, Fellow for Education Policy at MPI’s National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy
Culturally Responsive School Practices to Promote the Success of Hispanic English Learners