Family Toolkit - Chapter 04 - English

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Chapter Four
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Finding Extracurricular Activities for Your Child

“Finding Extracurricular Activities for Your Child” is the fourth chapter of the English Learner Family Toolkit, which is meant to support families of English learners (ELs) in the U.S. education system. Each chapter has five parts: (1) Overview, (2) Family and Student Rights, (3) Suggested Questions to Ask School Staff, (4) Tips for Families, and (5) Resources. Information in each chapter varies. As readers can choose to access only certain chapters of the toolkit, it is important to note that some information may be repeated in multiple chapters.


Schools may have before- or after-school programs for your child. Two types of programs are (1) childcare and (2) extracurricular activities. If your child needs a safe place to stay before or after school, ask school staff about childcare. There may be a fee for childcare programs. Schools may also offer extracurricular activities for students, such as sports, art, and music. Student clubs, such as a science or chess club, may be offered as well. Extracurricular activities can help your child make friends and learn new skills. Ask the staff at your child’s school about these programs and encourage your child to join.