Dual Language Immersion Programs (January 2025)
Dual language immersion (DLI) programs provide content and language instruction in both English and a partner language, including Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, French, and many other languages.
Dual language immersion (DLI) programs provide content and language instruction in both English and a partner language, including Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, French, and many other languages.
States and districts share an obligation to provide Multilingual Learners (MLLs) with access to high quality language programs that are proven to be effective in minimizing opportunity gaps between MLLs and non-MLLs.
This report examines English learners’ testing, proficiency, and growth during the six most recent school years (20182023) to shed light on the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on English learners’ educational outcomes.
In many ways, Arizona is on the forefront of school choice: in addition to a state-wide open enrollment law, it was one of the first states to adopt charter school legislation in 1994 and currently has the second-highest percentage of public school students attending charter schools in the
In recent years, schools and large-scale assessment developers across the United States have been providing English learners with language supports when they take tests to reduce construct-irrelevant variance, or errors in test scores due to factors that are extraneous to the construct bein
Thanks to rapid increases in the state's Hispanic and Asian populations, the number of Texas students classified as English Learners has surged in the past decade, from approximately 830,000 in 2010 to more than 1.1 million today. In the charter sector, change has been even more rapid.
This document provides a review of general and EL-specific research on early literacy, drawing from both to define a vision for foundational literacy skills instruction for ELs.
This report examines the number of SEAs that provide guidance in collecting and using students’ prior education experiences in initial enrollment, as well as the specificity of the guidance that SEAs provide.
The Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) is supporting and amplifying the Department of
Education’s goal to create pathways for global engagement by working to provide every student with a
This paper looks at the next 25 years of education and policy making regarding students classified as English learners (EL).