Seal of Biliteracy Map (December 2024)
Percentage of High School Graduates earning the Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) in school year 2022-23.
Percentage of High School Graduates earning the Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) in school year 2022-23.
California's K-12 funding and instructional policies for English learners (ELs) have changed significantly over the past 2 decades. The major policy shifts held the potential to change student learning outcome patterns for ELs.
In support of Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFL) Week and National Citizenship Week, OELA, OCTAE, and USCIS collaborated on an interagency stakeholder engagement webinar that was held on 9/
In this essay, the authors explore the dilemmas facing researchers, educators, and policymakers in how to refer to multilingual students who are deemed in need of language support in school. There is a growing concern with the label English learner, the term currently used in U.S.
This Fact Sheet highlights English learner students in secondary schools who are career and technical education participants (received at least one CTE credit in that year) and concentrators (received three credits within a career cluster during high school).
Nationally, there are 213,832 English learner (EL) students who identify as Black,1 making up 4% of all ELs in public schools. This community brings a wealth of diverse languages, countries of origin, and cultural identities to communities across all 50 U.S. states.
We were asked to examine how states and districts identify English learners and how they ensure that they are accurately identifying English learners with disabilities.
Discover the English Learner (EL) Family Toolkit, recently updated by the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA).
To celebrate the publication of the updated English Learner (EL) Family Toolkit and the release of the EL Family Toolkit App, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) is hosting a se
Career and technical education (CTE) encompasses courses and programs of study in which students acquire challenging academic, technical, and employability skills to succeed in postsecondary education and in-demand careers.