Educational Leaders

Supporting the Economic Integration of Adult Leaners with Emerging Literacy Skills

Published Year
Resource Type
Target Audience(s)
Educational Leaders
Educators of English Learners

Many immigrants, including those with emerging literacy skills, have real-world economic needs. This spotlight provides resources and considerations for how adult education programming can support immigrants’ broader economic integration.

Bilingual Education and America’s Future: Evidence and Pathways

Published Year
Resource Type
Target Audience(s)
Educational Leaders
Dual Language/Bilingual Educators
Policy makers
State Education Agencies

This paper looks at the next 25 years of education and policy making regarding students classified as English learners (EL).

English Learner Civil Rights Brief- Practices to Increase Access to Advanced Coursework and Specialized Programs for Students Who Are English Learners (English Version, 2023)

Published Year
Resource Type
Target Audience(s)
Community Advocates
Educational Leaders
Originating Organization

This resource features practices that districts and schools may consider in their efforts to increase access to advanced or specialized programs for students who are ELs. You can read more about students’ access to educational opportunities from early childhood to grade 12 in the U.S.

Making “Small Waves of Change”: Dual Language and General Education Teacher Transformation through Instructional Coaching

Published Year
Resource Type
Target Audience(s)
Educational Leaders
Elementary Educators

This multisite qualitative case study explores ways in which instructional coaching focused on English language development (content)and teachers’ individual beliefs (process) can help general education and dual language bilingual education elementary teachers work within and through perceived in